To Buy or Not to Buy... Only access to regular 120V Chargers

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Jun 26, 2019
Hi All,

I really want a 2019 e-Golf. I test drove it but I only have access at home to 120V chargers. My house is also old, and I am worried it may blow a fuse.

I have a roundtrip commute just under 30miles. Should I do it?

No where to charge at work.

I live in the city of LA and there are charging stations all over, so I feel like I'd be ok.

Opinions? Should I just get the regular Golf?
You'll be fine. The e-Golf now comes with a 10 amp "granny" EVSE, so it is unlikely even an old home will flow a fuse as 15 amp circuits have been the standard for a long time (decades if not almost a century, in the USA). If the car can sit for 10 hours overnight, you will put 12 kWh into the battery pack. If you drive conservatively, you can get 5 miles/kWh efficiency and if not, you still probably will get 3 miles/kWh efficiency at worst. That means you can expect to pick up 36 to 60 miles of range for that 10 hour 120V (@1.2kW) charging session. Like you said, there are plenty of DCFC stations and L2 stations in LA, so you have options.
Do it! I've had mine for a month now in LA and love it. I charge at night on a regular outlet and it's fine. Make sure you get the DAP package. It makes sitting in stop-and-go traffic so much more tolerable.
Before, you buy or lease, I highly recommend renting an EV (any EV) through Turo and trying it out for yourself. The big unknown is whether your electrical supply will cause the EVSE (often incorrectly called the "charger") to throw faults, preventing the car from being charged. You do NOT want to find this out after signing a purchase/lease contract.

The fact that you said "fuse" and not "circuit breaker" does sound concerning, as if the house still uses old-fashioned fuses that the wiring is likely not grounded. And improper/non-existent grounding is the #1 cause of EVSE faults at 120 volts.