Rebate - San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District

Volkswagen e-Golf Forum

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Jan 21, 2016
There is a $3K rebate for the eGolf and other EVs for those residing in the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District (basically the Central Valley between Kern County and San Joaquin County) via the Drive Clean! Rebate Program. It stacks with the $2.5K California rebate, and combined they made my 2016 SE 3-year lease net cost ~$1600. The works out to an adjusted payment of ~$45/month, meaning I will overall pay more for the insurance than the car purchase+taxes+fees+maintenance.

The timing worked out as follows for me:
  • Jan 30 - Application Submitted
  • Feb 10 - Clarification requested via email, I responded the next day
  • Mar 12 - Check arrived (Coincidentally arriving on the same day as the state rebate)

The application is slightly more involved than the state rebate, but since it shares many of the same documentation requirements it doesn't add much total effort if done at the same time. They also ask for a little more personal info, such as the owner's SSN, which is a little concerning since they don't offer a secure file upload service like the state does.

More information on the program can be found at