Private life and Car-net

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Mar 11, 2015
If I do not pay for suscribing - about 170,00 eur/year in Belgium what I do feel very expensive - what about the data ?Are they still transmitted to VW ? Meaning the company has all data related to car usage, localization , traject ans so one. I do consider this as an intrusion in private life. What are your prospects on this ? :roll:
egolfone said:
If I do not pay for suscribing - about 170,00 eur/year in Belgium what I do feel very expensive - what about the data ?Are they still transmitted to VW ? Meaning the company has all data related to car usage, localization , traject ans so one. I do consider this as an intrusion in private life. What are your prospects on this ? :roll:

Somewhere I read (sorry I can't remember where) that it is possible to have all the car-net equipment turned off. This would be the mobile transmitter so car-net calls and checkins to the car net cloud service would not happen. This is in the US, not sure if it would be different in Belgium. I would talk to your local service department.

However, your car is likely recording at least charging and usage data (and maybe GPS data?) locally, so a dealer or someone who knew how to pull that from the car might be able to do so.
When you take your car in for service, as mentioned above the tech will download data from the car's ECU which will likely contain details about the car's usage. That will definitely be forwarded to VW. It's not just to see if you are abusing the car (so they have an excuse to void the warranty) but also to obtain durability data for future development.

VW is not the only company to do this. I don't know about for Europe, but in the US Nissan requires you bring your Leaf in once a year for a battery check, which is primarily to download data from the car. If you don't bring the car in, they can void the battery warranty. The first two are free, and most Leafs are leased for three years or less and not bought new, so there's little excuse to avoid it.