Preserve battery life

Volkswagen e-Golf Forum

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Sep 11, 2016
Does the e-Golf have any battery protection measures like the Nissan leaf? I usually wait till the range estimator is at an average of 20 miles before I charge to full again. I was reading this article

How do you charge your e-Golf?
The eGolf is similar to the Leaf in that regard, and unfortunately not in a good way: between debut and first delivery, VW decided to remove liquid cooling capability. The car was originally designed to have liquid cooled batteries. Cost is the most likely reason for that decision.

Hopefully the eGolf does not suffer from premature capacity degradation to the same level that the 2011-2012-early 2013 Leaf did. However unlike the Leaf, there are no tools that I am aware of for a non-dealer-tech to measure the capacity of your battery, and thus no way for us to track degradation besides keeping a consistent log of charging and battery drain behavior.

The link that you provided to is pretty good information for any BEV/PHEV owner. It's best to keep the battery level indicator somewhere near the middle, say between 40-60%. More frequent but shorter charge cycles are better than infrequent but long ones.
How do they measure the battery deterioration to determine if the warranty (>70%) degradation) kicks in?
Jaysher said:
How do they measure the battery deterioration to determine if the warranty (>70%) degradation) kicks in?

VW techs have a way, but requires VW's diagnostic equipment.

OTOH you can do so with a Leaf using free or low cost smartphone apps and a cheap OBDII adapter. AFAIK there is no similar tool for the eGolf.
haha so we just trust VW?

btw I talked to a diesel owner who is not getting such a great buy out - you have to read all the fine print, he says. Geez.
Thank you for the info guys.

I'm getting 19,400 for a 2011 golf tdi. I haven't read the fine print yet though