My 2016 SE with Quick Charger Deal in San Jose

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Sep 2, 2016
Got my Night Metallic Blue over the weekend.

SE with Quick Charger

Payment: 1 time lease payment of 5750 (out of pocket). No monthly fee.
30 months, 7500 miles/year.

If I get the rebate, the cost will be $3250.

I got the wear and tear package separate for $799 for damages covering $10K
Was the $5750 including tax or without?

Either way, very nice. It roughly matches the deal I got in Hayward last month, but on a 30 month you should get the rebate and come out well ahead of me.

As we've discussed here a few times the downside with a 1-time payment is you're SoL if the car is totaled. Hopefully you were aware of this and able to accept the risk.
That's a nice deal and I really love that color but I thought it was only for the 2017s.
dealmir said:
Got my Night Metallic Blue over the weekend.

SE with Quick Charger

Payment: 1 time lease payment of 5750 (out of pocket). No monthly fee.
30 months, 7500 miles/year.

Capitol Volkswagan, San Jose.

If I get the rebate, the cost will be $3250.

I got the wear and tear package separate for $799 for damages covering $10K
Good job... $191.66 per month, less your rebate, if it comes through. Let us know if you find the 7.2 kwh charger and CCS quick charge port option useful, and worth the added minor expense.

What is your buy back price at end of lease?
johnnylingo said:
Was the $5750 including tax or without?

Either way, very nice. It roughly matches the deal I got in Hayward last month, but on a 30 month you should get the rebate and come out well ahead of me.

As we've discussed here a few times the downside with a 1-time payment is you're SoL if the car is totaled. Hopefully you were aware of this and able to accept the risk.

Yes, I am aware of disadvantages of 1 time lease. This is including all tax.
Talk to your insurance agent. They may be able to add a rider or something to your policy so you don't lose the whole amount if the car is totaled.
7500 miles / year is only ~20.5 miles / day. That is barely anything - I am struggling to stay under a 15K/yr limit.
NeilBlanchard said:
7500 miles / year is only ~20.5 miles / day. That is barely anything - I am struggling to stay under a 15K/yr limit.

I have a 7500 mi/yr lease and I drove less than 6000 miles in the past 12 months. Driving habits and needs are truly unique.

Is pre-purchasing extra miles an option for you?
I got e-Golf SE with fast charge (240V) Lease deal from Bay Area California dealer with following options.
for 30 months and 7500 Miles per year, they already applied 7500 Federal.rebate. I have to apply for California State rebate
1. $69+Tax / month and $4991 Drive-off
2. $100+tax/ month and $4000 Drive-off
3 $159+tax / month and $2800 Drive-off

Is this a good deal ?
Sunnyvale's current ad for SE w/DCFC is under $200/mo 30 months $0 down plus Tax, Title, License.
Actual offer is $69/mo 30 months with $3,835 down + TTL