I took the e-Golf to the VW/AUDI Deliverance 2017 track day, that's what! It was awesome. Car understeers a bit a and those low resistance tires were screaming pretty much anytime they weren't straight.
I will try to link some pictures and videos from my Facebook or Youtube if I can. Facebook post link: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10154828053917546&id=555157545
YOUTUBE: https://youtu.be/crTV3iJ34hg
Everyone there got a kick out of it. The track, Dominion Raceway was about 160 miles from the house so I had to charge 3 times enroute and twice on the way home. Extra charge on the way there was because the track told me over the phone that they didn't have outlets. I wanted to arrive with the most charge possible. There was a level 2, 30 amp charger 1/2 mile away and a Greenlots DCFC station 27 miles away if I needed it. Fortunately, the track did have a 220V, 14-50 NEMA, 50 amp outlet for hooking up race trailers that I used with my 32 AMP home charger between sessions. Most sessions had at least a 2 hour break so I was able to start most sessions with a full charge. Avg m/kwh during sessions was around 1.5, the transit to/from was 4.4 m/kwh. Blew around 60% of the state of charge during the 20 minute sessions. So, obviously 1.5 m/kwh only have me a 36 mile range after the last full charge prior to leaving the track.
Why? : My normal road course/track car (04 R32 twin turbo) is down for service and I love this event and thought it would be different with the e-Golf.
I will try to link some pictures and videos from my Facebook or Youtube if I can. Facebook post link: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10154828053917546&id=555157545
YOUTUBE: https://youtu.be/crTV3iJ34hg
Everyone there got a kick out of it. The track, Dominion Raceway was about 160 miles from the house so I had to charge 3 times enroute and twice on the way home. Extra charge on the way there was because the track told me over the phone that they didn't have outlets. I wanted to arrive with the most charge possible. There was a level 2, 30 amp charger 1/2 mile away and a Greenlots DCFC station 27 miles away if I needed it. Fortunately, the track did have a 220V, 14-50 NEMA, 50 amp outlet for hooking up race trailers that I used with my 32 AMP home charger between sessions. Most sessions had at least a 2 hour break so I was able to start most sessions with a full charge. Avg m/kwh during sessions was around 1.5, the transit to/from was 4.4 m/kwh. Blew around 60% of the state of charge during the 20 minute sessions. So, obviously 1.5 m/kwh only have me a 36 mile range after the last full charge prior to leaving the track.
Why? : My normal road course/track car (04 R32 twin turbo) is down for service and I love this event and thought it would be different with the e-Golf.