I've made a thing called the J1772 Hydra. It's a two-headed EVSE. I've described it elsewhere in this forum, but the short version of the story is that if both cars are charging, each is notified that it can have half the current available. When one car finishes, the other car is then given full power.
Interestingly enough, it appears that the eGolf will obey a pilot reduction - which is required by the spec, but it will ignore a pilot increase. This puts it in the same league as very, very early Teslas, which would not increase charging when the pilot increased the allowed ampacity. Tesla fixed this bug/misfeature a couple years ago. But the eGolf will only bump the charger back up if you use the app to stop and start charging.
Interestingly enough, it appears that the eGolf will obey a pilot reduction - which is required by the spec, but it will ignore a pilot increase. This puts it in the same league as very, very early Teslas, which would not increase charging when the pilot increased the allowed ampacity. Tesla fixed this bug/misfeature a couple years ago. But the eGolf will only bump the charger back up if you use the app to stop and start charging.