Door handle replacement

Volkswagen e-Golf Forum

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Nov 22, 2017
So 1 week with car come outside and the door handle were the key can be used is on the ground. Car next to me ran it over in to of that. Black.: 5gi837879d part ]number. Car is leased. Any idea of replacement cost or where to get it
xfaith said:
So 1 week with car come outside and the door handle were the key can be used is on the ground. Car next to me ran it over in to of that. Black.: 5gi837879d part ]number. Car is leased. Any idea of replacement cost or where to get it

Order it from a VW dealership from the parts department. Someone tried to jack your car already, nice neighborhood.
I'm unclear what it is you need replaced. Is it the plastic cover over the keyhole? If yes, then I'd try an online junkyard or E-Bay since it would come pre-painted.
If it's just the plastic cover, you can get one off of any junk VW golf that's 2015 -2018 in the color Black.
The part that covers the key hole. Ok I tried looking online for that part number but came up with just white. Not show of any junk yardz will have to look. Any online?
xfaith said:
The part that covers the key hole. Ok I tried looking online for that part number but came up with just white. Not show of any junk yardz will have to look. Any online?

See if the handle covers are interchangeable with Golf Sportwagen or Passat from 2012 - 2018 also