Does your eGolf fail to charge sometimes?

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Apr 26, 2015
Hello everyone.

I'm wondering if others have experienced an intermittent failure to charge the car after plugging in at the end of the day?

This does not happen all the time, in fact I would say it happens one time out of 100, but it does continue to happen and it's most inconvenient. From what I can tell, it's not that the car began to charge, then something happened and it stopped midway. What seems to be happening is that charging never starts in the first place.

With this in mind, I've tried to catch it in the act, but like boiled water, it only happens when you're not looking.

I have two working hypotheses on this:
1. The handshake upon connecting the charger and the car fails (for the usual software/bug reasons) and so nothing happens after that.
2. Perhaps some electrical contacts fail to touch, despite a seemingly good physical 'click' of the charge plug.

Other than that, I cannot really explain it. Have any of you experienced similar?
I already posted it in other thread but I have same kind of issue but I would say with rate way higher then 1 of 100, more like 7 of 10 times.

It started after cord replacement at my employer's garage. There's a good click but sometime locking pin can't secure plug. Also, if you stay quiet you can hear when charger start supply electricity there's some specific noise in the car happens, like starting charger or something. Very often that thing can't start as well even though charger already started.

Also, I have VCDS and I see bunch of fault codes in the charging system but no CEL yet... Will observe little bit more and looks like I need to go to the dealer for a check up...
bitcruncher said:
Have any of you experienced similar?
Hi Bitcruncher -

May I ask - is this only with the 120v Level 1 charger that came with your eGolf? Or does it also happen with Level 2 chargers?

If only with the 120v charger, then yes I have seen similar:

If this is with the 120v charger, then I'd be curious to know if your home's line voltage is above 120v.
dublectric said:
May I ask - is this only with the 120v Level 1 charger that came with your eGolf? Or does it also happen with Level 2 chargers?

If only with the 120v charger, then yes I have seen similar

Hi. Yes, I've only charged the car with the level 1 charger that came with the car--haven't had the chance to use any other plug.

Thanks to your post, I'm learning that current isn't as opaque as we might think. It seems that a variety of factors and routes along the way all play a critical role in shaping the quality of the electricity that reaches the plug.

Since I don't have any measuring tools, I cannot confirm, but then at least in my case, it's possible that a "heavy-duty" extension cord of unknown quality in the mix might also be to blame.

It's a fickle bunch these electrons.