Does Android Auto work for you?

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Jan 9, 2016
I have a Note 4, but Android Auto never connects after I hooked up the USB cable. It's charging, but it never detects my phone.

If you have an Android phone, how do you make it work?
I've noticed killing all the background apps (tap square, then swipe madly) seems to help.
Android auto doesn't 'detect' you have to start the Android Auto app on your phone.
Then go to the Menu and select app connect.
I don't have an Android phone, but if you haven't see it, this video from VW might be useful.
Thanks for all the responses.
I did everything the video suggested. Still doesn't see my phone. :(

It's a Note 4 on 5.1.1, so, it "should" work. ugh..
I had my coworker plugging in his iPhone. It worked instantly. That eliminates a faulty USB. It's gotta be my phone set up. :(

write2warriors said:
Thanks for all the responses.
I did everything the video suggested. Still doesn't see my phone. :(

It's a Note 4 on 5.1.1, so, it "should" work. ugh..
I had my coworker plugging in his iPhone. It worked instantly. That eliminates a faulty USB. It's gotta be my phone set up. :(


Go back to 5.0.1 if you can, and see if it works again?