Cost of L1 charging at home

Volkswagen e-Golf Forum

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Jun 12, 2019
Say my utility company charges me $.1 for every kwH.
If I charge my eGolf overnight to 80%, putting (say) 10kwH into the battery, is that costing me .1 * 10 = $1? Or is there loss due to inefficiency, so that it's costing me more?
Obviously these are small potatoes either way, just curious.
There is going to be inefficiency in the power conversion from the wall to the voltage your batteries need, but I doubt it's much. Also lithium batteries are more efficient to charge than lead acid (not sure about NiMH).

$0.10 /KWh, is that 'all in' including distribution and such? That's a very good price.

For me, if I take my last bill and divide by the KWh used I get ~$0.233, but the generation is $0.056/KWh and distribution is ~$0.14/KWh. But I'm in California where everything is expensive.