charging flap won't open.

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Dec 17, 2016
So my charge flap won't open in order to get the charger plugged in. I originally thought it was frozen but the flap moves; I can push it but it won't pop open. I used a blow dryer and deicer on it. I just don't hear the little click and it won't pop open. Any ideas before I take it into the dealer. Is there an access from inside the car to bypass this? Otherwise I need to have it towed because I can't get it charged.
It sounds like your car was covered in snow and it sounds like you melted all the snow and ice. Be sure the flap still isn't stuck to the body by ice or snow.

There is a lock for the charging flap. Are you sure you unlocked the car? Just to check, lock the car, place your ear by the charging flap and then unlock the car. You should hear a solenoid move to unlock the flap. If you don't hear the solenoid move, then it might be hard to get the flap open. If you hear the solenoid move, then maybe you can place a curved object behind the flap to try to pull it open?

You might try other VW Golf forums as the charging flap is identical to the gap filler flap on ICE Golfs.