After 4 months of trouble-free charging with my 2015 SEL, I've been unable to charge at a number of public chargers on a couple occasions this past week. When I insert the plug the car fails to lock the charge handle, so it doesn't start charging. The light stays yellow. The first time was at a ChargePoint station. Two handles failed to lock, the third (same style) locked and the car started charging. A Volt then pulled-in and successfully charged using the handle that I couldn't get to work. Then today I couldn't charge using Porsche and E-Tron charge stations at a dealer. Again, the handle failed to lock, so the car wouldn't start charging and other cars were able to charge. Each time the charge station recognized my car was plugged-in and stated it was ready to charge but the yellow light on my e-Golf never turned green and the car failed to lock the handle. Inspecting the charge handles, I notice that the rubber ring inside the connector on the handle wasn't completely flat while the charge stations that work are (look directly at the part that plugs into the car and you'll see a rubber circle). My car is charging successfully in my garage right now, but I cannot help but notice that every other car has no problem with the handles that fail to charge my car, even if the rubber ring is the problem. This is concerning. Anyone else experience anything like this?