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  1. B

    Can a home charger fail?

    And how? Is there any software behind? I thought it was just charging with electricity :roll:
  2. B

    I should have done more research

    In DK we have no 7,2 kw charging at all. Only 3,6 and supercharging. I have absolutly no issues yet and only care for supercharging and normal charging at home. Everything else is of no usd to me
  3. B

    Can the e-Golf reach 190km in one charge at all?

    I really dislike a system that is suppose to give the buyer an idea about the products usabilty and then end up serving the industry instead. It is like claiming MacD is gourmet through testing but never is on par with the buyers :roll:
  4. B

    Can the e-Golf reach 190km in one charge at all?

    I am a new owner and happy btw but is it all possible to reach 190 km in one charge without driving in eco+ and downhill? Is it legal to claim such range if it is not posible at all? Is it possible at all for any normal EV except Tesla to reach 190 km?