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Volkswagen e-Golf Forum

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  1. S

    Continental Tires seem to drift

    The ones that come with it are only good for dry good pavement, My next ones will be Goodyear EfficientGrip Perf. FP as recommended by car safety testers on the german forum which seems to...
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    EVGo Quick/DC charging problems on eGolf

    Looking forward to the results :)
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    Other e-Golf discussion forum

    Thank you, their forum has a lot more technical posts, looks like lots of engineers driving egolfs in germany? :-) If you need a quick translation of something let me know and I can help out.
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    "infotainment" needs a lot of work

    The navigation voice sounds like Siri's retarded sister. No offence.
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    Only 293 US egolfs sold in June

    I saw one recently, and another one close to where I live, but that one had dealer license plates and reentered the highway going back after exiting, so our guess was that it was a test-drive. The front lights look so cool, I don't sere why not tons more are being sold... maybe its the speed...
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    CA Rebate form

    I did mine in the California a month ago as well, only had to send pictures of drivers license, purchase agreement, registration, and that extra slip of paper that came with the registration or hov stickers, don't remember that certifies it as zero emissions vehicle. Support contacted me about...
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    Tesla comparisons

    Tesla Model S is awesome hands down, just way too expensive, and the range is overstated. I drove an early 2014 P85D for 400 miles from San Francisco to Los Angeles and it was not as much fun as I had hoped because in order to make it to the next supercharger you have to drive slower than the...
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    What's most efficient. Drive in D or drive in B?

    Thanks for making the experiment. I also feel that B should be the default driving mode. All the extra D with variable regen settings and also the eco modes are not really useful. Michael
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    Volkswagen investing $10-mil into US charging infrastructure

    Yep, Davis is the closest one.
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    EVGo combo fast charger (CCS and CHAdeMO)

    Interesting. Somebody from Volkswagen told me 40kW would be the limit.
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    Volkswagen investing $10-mil into US charging infrastructure

    Call them up and add it to plugshare ? But really VW marketing should get their act together and do that for us.
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    Volkswagen investing $10-mil into US charging infrastructure

    I see the first DC fast charger deployments for charge point happening in south california, but nothing in north california yet. However they deploy the weaker 24kW chargers, not 50kW like NRG EVGO has already rolled out in the north bay. The EVGO stations are ABB chargers, and they give you the...
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    EVGo combo fast charger (CCS and CHAdeMO)

    I don't really see which charger you are referring to, as there is no useful link the post, but I have seen an ABB NRG EVGO charging station before that had two outlets, one for chademo and one for sae combo (CCS) and each of them said 50kW on it, so I presume you could charge both at the same...
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    Owner reviews at

    Here is mine: feel free to upvote :)
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    I cannot get charging to stop at 80%. I have no cell phone

    Plus some people like me that knew they are going to blow past the 10k or 12k miles included in a 3 year lease did purchase the car outright instead of worrying about cost per mile. We are probably putting on 36k miles in those 3 years and hope to keep it for much longer. 2015 e-Golf SEL...
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    new carnet web site...

    Lol I am glad I did not bother logging in yet. I only use the app on the iPhone and that is painfully slow but works. I just tend to treat it as a batch job, submit and walk away, come back and check results later. Love the egolf and am glad we have the iPhone app, with all its deficiencies it...
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    EVGo Quick/DC charging problems on eGolf

    Yes, that stop button did not work for me either. I was at a similar ABB charger in San Rafael at the Mall. I did not have the FOB yet, and so called to activate the charging, which worked fine. I charged from 60% to 95% in 20 minutes. I only signed up recently when I found out they have a...
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    Should I plan on a Level 2 charger?

    The answer is: you don't need it, especially if you can charge on a level 2 charge point close by. But it certainly is convenient. There are a lot cheaper chargers out there like the siemens versicharge that I got for <$800, but then you still need an electrician to hook it up, which easily...
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    Carwash - Difficult to speed forward after being in Neutral

    I did not put mine in neutral and after the car wash it also didn't want to start but it showed 'electric drive train towing damage' and was disabled for a few minutes freaking me out. The guys pushed it out and after a few minutes and me turning it off and on it eventually started again and...
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    Info from dealership on non and delayed charging issues

    I brought it in and they had one recall for firmware that they applied, while they said they would not be able to even upgrade firmware on any issue they could not reproduce, like the locking and delayed charging issue and destination transfer issues. However i believe that whatever firmware...