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Volkswagen e-Golf Forum

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  1. M

    221,000 miles

    Yes, I wash her once a week, I try to stay behind slow trucks, I used to hate traffic but now its my friend, I also use the shifter modes a lot, coming downhill I will move the gearshift to the left to regenerate more, I dont run the heater at all, sometimes the seat warmer , when you mention...
  2. M

    221,000 miles

    Just hit 221,000 miles on my 2017 e golf starting to show signs of battery wear, it only charges to about 95-98 full now and freeway driving I use a mile for every 1/2 mile driven roughly my commute is 62 miles one way and I am getting to work with 12-22 miles left on average, I have a 1,000 ft...
  3. M

    12V Battery Dead

    You need to get a new battery soon, I would not drive it, costco has them usually in stock, a low battery will cause all kinds of problems
  4. M

    Replacing the 12 volt battery

    I got my battery at costco, it is kind of a special battery but they had it in stock, no problems after replacing it, and did not have any special work done, a low battery will cause all kinds of error problems with the e-golf, I have a 2017 with 190,000 miles still runs great.
  5. M

    Miles put on my e-golf

    My power gauge stays full unless I get real low on power, its a commuter to San Jose and back from lathrop ca, l get to charge at work for free and then charge in my garage when l get home, forgot to mention I also put in a new 12 v battery about 6 months ago, once your 12 v battery gets low it...
  6. M

    Miles put on my e-golf

    The battery health is good, I see a little drop in miles per charge, what I notice more is I get less miles per charge, also tire air pressure I found to be important, if you notice miles dropping check your tire pressure, lt has to last 22 more months until l retire, that's about 70,000 more...
  7. M

    E-golf making loud noise

    Probably a front wheel bearing, happened to mine
  8. M

    Miles put on my e-golf

    Does anyone else have this kind of mileage on there e-golf? I just turned over 195,000 miles l have replaced 1 wheel bearing and the cabin blower motor, besides that it has ran perfect, it is a 2018