Recent content by dermk4

Volkswagen e-Golf Forum

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  1. D

    High-voltage discharge while car is not used

    I bought my 2015 used, and it has been doing the same for months, losing 5-10km of range the next morning in steady ambient temperature. But i noticed it seemed to have stopped losing range in the next morning recently, what I have done during the period was swapping my MIB2 to a MIB2.5 to...
  2. D

    Car won't charge

    Very likely, they asked you to replace your grill shutter because of a dead shutter motor, which resulted in these codes: P05A300 and P05A000. Instead of paying $1,296, you can just buy a new or used (used ones are easier to find) shutter motor with PN# 95B965501AA (for less than $100!) and ask...
  3. D

    2015 Battery Limits without the use of CarNet

    Last time my car charges only to 90% despite all settings point to MAX, resetting the charging settings in the MIB solved it.
  4. D

    charging problem. only 1.7kw

    Try resetting your battery charging related settings in your MIB, I had to do the same last time after dealer service. I think e-manager is a bit buggy, applying changes sometimes doesn't do anything.
  5. D

    Steering Assistance Tweak (for firmer steering feel)

    Coming from cars that are slightly sportier than my newly acquired 2015 eGolf, its featherlight steering is one of the things that bugs me the most. Thought I'd share a tweak found by other MK7 owners, tested on my eGolf to work for those who have the same complaint. The following was copied...
  6. D


    I picked up a used 2015 eGolf with a MIB2 part number of 3Q0 035 866A recently, and was able to "hacktivate" Carplay on it based on the following online information. Do it at your own risk, of course. Tutorial by Youtuber Mr Fix: Project Github...