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  1. S

    2016 SE e-golf: 4 hours of charge time or not?

    Yep, my sticker looks exactly like that.
  2. S

    2016 SE e-golf: 4 hours of charge time or not?

    Putting all of the misinformation aside for a second, is it fair to expect a 8 hour full re-charge on a 220V L2 charger at home? The reason I'm asking is because I *always* sleep 8 hours a day, so that might be sufficient to me (i.e. I wouldn't know the difference between a 4 hour re-charge and...
  3. S

    2016 SE e-golf: 4 hours of charge time or not?

    I don't see anything abou the extra 7.2 kw quick charge package. However, it does say 3.7 hours in the dealership window sticker. I just leased it recently, would anyone know if I could call this a "misleading sale" and have it returned/changed? Or is that just crazy talk given that everything...
  4. S

    2016 SE e-golf: 4 hours of charge time or not?

    Hey all, I just recently purchased an e-golf 2016 SE and I'm getting some inconsistent information here. Kicking off this thread to try to see if I can get a clearer idea of my charge time. On the car paperwork it says two things: 3.6 KW on-board charger AND 3.7 hours of charging time at...