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  1. H

    using an extension cord...

    Oh dear, well I've been researching electricians. Any thoughts on whether the person should have EV expertise?
  2. H

    using an extension cord...

    Thanks I've already been obsessing over Plugshare and charge point. Got all my accounts set up for charge point and EVGO. I was able to get my Delphi to reach into an outlet in the kitchen, which looks to be GFCI but am getting only the power fault and power lights on. Any thoughts? Been...
  3. H

    using an extension cord...

    Ok great! That makes sense. I noticed how much my range decreased on the freeway. Yes, I already used one of these $10 chargers which totally sucks. There don't appear to be any public charging stations within walking distance of work, weird in San Francisco, but a couple people have their home...
  4. H

    using an extension cord...

    Thank you all! This has been very helpful. Hopefully I'll be a pro in a few weeks. If anyone has any other important suggestions for a total been I am ALL EARS!
  5. H

    using an extension cord...

    Thank you both for the tips! My commute is about 50 - 60 miles/day. Can you advise on how well charging from a 110 every day will work for me? I'm not sure how long it will take to get a proper charging station put in will take. We don't have a spare dryer outlet since ours is occupied. Any...
  6. H

    using an extension cord...

    Hi Folks, I'll admit first that I did not do enough research before we bought our 2015 SEL last night. I did not know that it takes 22 hours to charge from a regular outlet, nor did I know that you are not supposed to use an extension cord. We do not have an outlet in the front of our house so...