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Volkswagen e-Golf Forum

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  1. D

    Driver assistance

    Hi - My take is that what the dealer is saying sounds a little fishy. I admit that I'm not an expert on Adaptive Cruise Control, but I can't see why electric drive would have any effect on how ACC functions. On regular cruise control on my '15 SEL, the car *does* go into regeneration to...
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    Is charging the eGolf at ChargePoint locations free?

    Umm, where did this come from? Sounds like "saintfolife" bought/leased an eGolf because Saint liked it, like the rest of us did. Don't assume that Saint bought it expecting to be given free electricity at every public charging station. It turns out that some businesses *do* offer free charging...
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    Regenerative Braking Drive Modes Gimmicky?

    That's cool... I'm glad VW provided options, giving the driver the choice of how to go about it.
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    Regenerative Braking Drive Modes Gimmicky?

    I agree 100%. I prefer to drive in B all the time: highway, around town, stop-and-go, you name it. Once you master being smooth with the accelerator pedal, there is no jerkiness; you can easily "coast" - as long as the consumption gauge on the left is pointing at zero, it's coasting, with...
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    100 Mile Club

    I know I'm late to this party but today I finally managed to join the club. I rarely can go more than a day or two between charges but this week it turned out that I only made local (non-highway) trips, and with temperate weather needed neither heat nor A/C.
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    Known eGolf TSBs

    Should we maintain a thread of known eGolf TSBs and their numbers? I know of the following so far: Technical Bulletin 87-15-04 - Air Conditioning stops working ( TT 87-15-02 - Remove default 20 minute timer before the HVAC defaults to fan...
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    2015-6 e-Golf HVAC 72F fix Tech Tip 87-15-02

    Excellent! Thanks for the TSB number... will have to pay a visit to my friendly dealer... ... BTW does anyone know if there's a TSB for the "radio default to 89.7" trouble? I thought I'd heard some scuttlebutt that it had been fixed...
  8. D

    Above 100 full charge w/ Chargepoint, average 80 w/ Bosc

    I've just re-read your post (probably should have read it more closely the first time :-} ) ... do you drive the same route from work->home as you do from home->work (but just the opposite direction of course)? If so, then that must be the answer... if your "remaining range" is 50-60 at work...
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    Above 100 full charge w/ Chargepoint, average 80 w/ Bosc

    Hello - I have only a guess... As you've noted, the estimated mileage numbers are biased heavily to reflect your recent driving. Is it possible that your drive from home to work uses less energy per mile (perhaps slower, steadier speeds; less use of climate control) than your opposite drive...
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    FOR SALE: ClipperCreek HCS-40P: SOLD

    Shoot, that's too bad that it can't work for you :( We have the hard-wired version of the HCS-40 and I will vouch to any potential buyer that that's a great unit - not many bells/whistles but it's been absolutely trouble free for our two eGolfs (although we've never tried the CarNet delayed...
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    East-central Mass public chargers under-subscribed...

    I often get to the Wayland MA Stop&Shop (with 9 free Level 2 public chargers) every week; half the time there is only one other BEV or PHEV charging, and the other half there's nobody else there. I've also been to three National Grid chargers at local 99 restaurants, each with two free level-2...
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    For what it's worth, there was a similar discussion on another forum: Discussion was more about road course sessions, but discussed autocross a bit too.
  13. D

    Buyers of e-Golf. Did you pay MSRP full price?

    Hello - Welcome to the eGolf forums! I see two possible difficulties with your scenario, but if you've got them covered then IMO it sounds like a good deal :) First, will the dealer be willing to front the $10k in credits, and allow you to finance just the $18k amount post-credits? I ask...
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    Charging stops after about 2 minutes???

    Could it be the same as the issue found earlier?
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    $79 lease

    I'll second that... I figured the 10k miles/year would be fine for my eGolf, but I'm already over schedule for the three years ;) I too had a 2001 S4 (avant, 6MT) for 12 years, and just sold it :( We kept the allroad for long trips, but it's been barely started up since we got our eGolfs...
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    I'm probably misunderstanding that document... but I find it confusing at the very least. The VIN range spans over 2400 numbers, and the "Not sequential VINs" box is *not* checked, so I don't know how to correlate that with the document's statement that only 4 vehicles being affected. Any idea...
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    Activating Siri via Bluetooth on 2016 e-Golf SEL

    Hi Jakesterpdx - I don't have a 2016, and I don't often use Siri, but I do often use the voice dictation on my iPhone in my 2015 SEL through the Infotainment system via Bluetooth. Just now tried Siri in my car - I too couldn't find any button on the Infotainment system which would activate...
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    How can I buy being a resident of Texas?

    They don't make it easy to read the P&S and Lease agreements, do they? Gee, I wonder if that's intentional? ;) The items I have are: - Acquisition Fee: $625 - Total Fees & Tax: $535 That includes title fee, and registration (plates). Despite it saying "Tax" it does not include state sales tax...
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    How can I buy being a resident of Texas?

    Hi - sorry I haven't responded sooner. Our lease: 2015 SEL Premium 10,000 mi/year $4242 initial payment (including first monthly payment) $169/mo (for 35 months) Residual $13055 Vehicle price (before acquisition fee, tax, title, etc.) $28941.87 (does not reflect 7500 fed credit) The initial...
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    Wayland, MA spotting

    White SEL, charging at the Stop&Shop. About 5pm Friday (Oct 23). Was that anyone here? (You CA folks will probably laugh at me - this is only the second eGolf I've seen in the wild other than mine or my wife's ;) )