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Volkswagen e-Golf Forum

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  1. T

    "Dramatic" reduction in cold weather range. Why?

    Pre-heating the cabin really seems to help the range in winter. My schedule is also unpredictable, so I have a habit of turning on the A/C when I get out the shower! The VW app is very slow to open, but I found the VW ID app can turn on A/C in the eGolf and opens faster!! I have both apps...
  2. T

    2019 always charges to 100%

    I’ve had the car charge to 100% a few times; and I think each time I had accidentally hit the top button in the charging bay. I’d like to just physically remove those buttons and do it all in the app. I usually charge to 80-90%. A few other times, the car has failed to charge at all overnight...
  3. T

    Faint moan/groan when turning at low speed, usually under power

    I think I have this too. I’ve had the car for 2 years and only noticed it for the first time when on hard lock in a car park a few months ago. Now doing it on less tight turns. I assumed it was the wheel bearings.