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Volkswagen e-Golf Forum

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  1. W

    rear breaks worn out?

    A couple of months ago I took my 2019 e-Golf SE to a VW dealer for its 40k miles service. I was in a rush when I dropped off the car and accepted the repairs they suggested. They said the rear breaks are worn out and need to be replaced. Obviously, I was not thinking clearly. In hindsight, I...
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    12V Battery Dead

    Last Saturday I experienced a completely dead 12V battery in my eGolf SEL 2019. The voltage was down to some 2V! I used a regular 12V charger to re-charge the battery (while it was plugged in, I didn't bother taking it out of the car). Next day the car worked like normal. No error...
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    I would like to order the foldable Covercraft sunscreen for my 2019 eGolf SEL. Covercraft shows various Golf models on their website, like: Golf, Golf Alltrack, Golf R, Golf SportWagen, GTI in S, SE and SEL variants. But no "eGolf". I'm hoping one of these models is close enough and the...
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    SIM card reader

    I am reading the "Discover Pro (Generation 2 GP), Infotainment System, Phone Interface" manual. In the chapter about "Wi-Fi hotspot" it states on page 57 that data transfer is possible with a SIM card sitting in the SIM card reader. And in the chapter about "Phone interface" it states on page...
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    New 2019 e-Golf SEL Owner

    In Sep-2016 I took over the lease for a 2016 e-Golf SEL with 15,000 miles/year. The three main reasons for this car where: - Growing up in Germany, I prefer the handling of German cars. I prefer to drive a car where I can feel the street I am driving on, not one where I "float" over the...
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    2016 SEL stalled on freeway

    I took over the lease for an eGolf 2016 SEL (midnight blue, 3year lease, 15.000 miles/year) in Aug-2016 with about 10.500 miles. I have over 9.000 miles since. I general, I am very happy with the car. However, I was recently driving on a freeway when the car stalled. Fortunately, this...
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    Time Setting

    For some reason, the time in my car (e-Golf 2016 SEL) is one hour off. I have set it to use the GPS time and to use "Pacific (UTC-8)". However, it looks like it is still doing PDT, although the "daylight saving time" in the time setting menu is un-checked (actually, the "daylight saving time"...