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Volkswagen e-Golf Forum

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  1. F

    Ok which one of you guys bought this eGolf?

    Brand New eGolf comes with mispelled expletive. Look at the display, that's an e-Golf.
  2. F

    Now I've seen the worst charger design

    Seen on a Toyota Rav EV. Note : This is for the Chademo charger, the Level 2 Charging port is on the right rear. Link if you can't see it OMG He has to open his hood every time to plug in the Chademo?
  3. F

    Comparing Different EV's and features

    I'm starting this thread to compare different EV's and things you get and don't get. 1 Post for Each Car
  4. F

    EV Credit not rescinded in Senate Bill.

    Edit : it was removed before the vote.. So Senate version has $7500 House version rescinds it. Slid into the Senate bill Thurs night SA 1746. Mr. FLAKE submitted an amendment intended to be proposed to amendment SA...
  5. F

    Honda Clarity - 90 miles $199 / with $899 down

    Looks liike Honda is getting in the game a little late (because all cars can do 100+ now) but in case someone needs it. $199 month with $899 down. I guess good until dec 31st. Here's what I saw. LONG - 1.5' longer than the VW Push button Shifting Toggle shifters on steering wheel QUIET...
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    Cost of the 20k?

    Just checking with people who already got their 20k Mine is due in Dec (When I bought the Car) I called around in SoCal here's what I got. 20k Full Service - $135 20k High Voltage check out only - $80 Someone posted here it was $300, so I was a bit shocked that mine is $135. Is the the $55...
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    VW Credit Hold music/instructions is terrible

    I'm on hold with VW Credit right now and for the last 15 minutes I'm listening to a guy tell me to go online to and click on [Account Adviser] for about 6 different issues that I may have while waiting on hold. The problem? There is no Account Adviser button. Typical VW.
  8. F

    Odd EV of the day

    Saw this on the road and even took a pic on it (But this forum doesn't allow attachments) White Soul EV With Zev-Net Stickers all over it. With White California Clean Air Stickers With Michigan Manufacturer plates. It was definitely on the odd. (Kias are made in Georgia)
  9. F

    What's more efficient charging? 110V or 220?

    Sorta curious about this. Is charging at 110V more efficient than 220V? I realize that I'm talking pennies here but which is better to charge at price wise?
  10. F

    Orange County Rebate - Offers up to $5500 to people who are trading in their old polluter for an EV or newer car. I don't remember anyone posting this but if you live in South LA or Orange County and make less than 400% the Poverty Line, you can trade your car in and get a rebate for...
  11. F

    Washing Car, it kept 'locking' during the wash. Worried?

    I forgot to post this as I usually take the VW into the drive thru car wash but, when I was using the self serve car wash, when I spraying water or using the soapy brush, I noticed my lights are flashing every now and then. I tested it last time and noticed it locked all my doors (pulled on...
  12. F

    Serramonte VW 2016 SE $54 /month + Drive Off

    Looks like the 2017 stock is about to arrive, Serramonte is offering an incredible Deal 2016 SE 24 Month 7500 miles $54 + TTL (About $2k) Wow that's a disgusting deal. One only of course, but wow.
  13. F

    Tesla - Who said that Electric Cars don't have 'gas' lines During Xmas weekend at Barstow CA (Which is the link between Los Angeles and Vegas) Tesla owners were waiting up to 2 hours to supercharge their cars Now didn't we believe electric cars didn't have gas lines? haha (LA - Barstow -...
  14. F

    Anyone go to the RDA event in Anaheim?

    Just curious if anyone else besides me went to the RDA Group survey in Anaheim. (This is a focus group like JD Power) I saw 1 other eGolf during my time but wasn't there for the other 2 times. If so what did you mention to them? Mostly I mentioned my issues with the Infotainment and the lousy...
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    How to get rid of Wind Window 'Thump'

    Is there something that can be added to the Golf that will reduce window thump or thrum? Whenever a passenger opens a window in the car the whole car starts pulsating and it pops my ears. Is there a particular wind deflector or other device that you guys have used to eliminate that? It doesn't...
  16. F

    Nov Tesla News - Superchargers not free for new customers

    Anyone who orders a Tesla After Jan 1st 2017 (Or take Delivery After April 1st 2017) will only get approx 1000 miles of free supercharging. (Basically all the model 3s are screwed) Now is this a...
  17. F

    Cupholders don't work with Cans

    Just a thing I noticed with the cupholders with the 3 grabber 'arms' If you put in a cup from say 'McDonalds', it works fine. If you put in a full can of 'Coke' it's fine. When that can get to 1/2 full, all of a sudden the arms squeeze the can and the force you need to remove it all of a...
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    Tesla News - No more model X and Wireless Charging (Jealous)

    I wonder what happened. Tesla Discontinues Model X Suv (isn't this car like 6 months old?) Telsa Announces Wireless Charging for Model S...
  19. F

    Glad to own an E-Golf? VW ICE cars are catching fire

    Well at least we aren't the Samsung Note 7. Our electrics don't catch fire. But our Gas cars do
  20. F

    What you do when you run out of juice on your egolf. Maybe not.