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Volkswagen e-Golf Forum

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  1. T

    Can you do remote start with CarNet App?

    I couldn't find a screen/button in the CarNet App to do remote start. I can do remote unlock. Anyone knows what the user interface is for remote start? TIA.
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    Additional Driver & Carnet App access

    I want to let my son drive my 2019 e-Golf and have access to Carnet App from his phone with his own login. I looked into adding a driver but the FAQ on the web site only specifically gave instructions for a 2020 for adding driver. Is it really model year specific? The other alternative maybe...
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    Rust on metal frame inside the dashboard

    I have a 2019 eGolf for a little bit over a year. I just popped out the change tray to the left of the steering wheel and the panel on the left side of the dashboard to look at the fuse box. Then I noticed rust on the metal frame. I live in northern California, a very dry area. It is very...
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    Annual service - is this absolutely required by VW Leasing?

    My eGolf started flashing "Inspect Now", this is the beginning of the third year I have the eGolf 2016. Does VW Leasing require this annual maintenance?
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    Anyone in NoCal received this email from Dublin VW?

    I crossed out the actual name and number. Seems very fishy. Dublin Volkswagen would like to REWARD you for your past business by upgrading your 2016 Volkswagen e-Golf. Our records indicate you are one of the select few customers who can trade in their 2016 Volkswagen e-Golf and upgrade into a...
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    Carplay quit on my 2016 eGolf SE all of a sudden

    I have been using Carplay on my eGolf for the past 18 months without problems. A couple days ago, it stopped! I.e., when I plugged my phone in, there was no indication App-connect was trying to my phone. What is weired is the "Media" USB works, i.e. the audio system plays whatever my phone is...
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    Scheduled charging problem with 2016 e-Golf SE

    Just installed a Clipper Creek HCS-40P EVSE last month. Tried to use scheduled charging but that did not charge. Took the car into the VW Dublin service last Friday, and they were able to recreate the issue with their own charger overnight. I provided them information on TSB 2040470 but they...
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    Carplay intermittently not connecting

    On my 2016 SE, I have been very happy with Carplay with my iPHone. However, once in a while, it would not connect, e.g. after many tries, it would fail with a message that says my device may be locked. Normally, when everything works, there is no need to unlock my device to connect to carplay...