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Volkswagen e-Golf Forum

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  1. M

    Latest broken Car-Net update

    I was prompted to enter my user info this morning and re-regsiter my phone. Now "No vehicle is assigned to your account". The web site still works. Do they test this stuff at all?
  2. M

    Listen to your motor.

    I accidentally turned AM radio on to an empty band (550, I think). It's amusing to listen to the motor spin up, accompanied with a number of random sounds. My 6yo daughter thought it was great.
  3. M

    Stopping Charging from Car-Net

    Found a new little annoying thing this morning. I wanted to stop my delayed charge early so I did from the Android app. Looked at the car later and it was charging. Hmmm...stopped it again, this time while watching the car. Turns out it stops charging, realizes it's set to a delay charge...