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Volkswagen e-Golf Forum

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  1. S

    Sporty tire options ?

    I brought my 2015 VW eGolf SEL to a tire shop to look at a tire that keeps losing air, and they told me that the tires are basically considered bald, and I should replace them all, and in addition they found about 5 nails in them total. So I guess its time to do this. What are the best tires...
  2. S

    carnet cost and options

    When I bought the 2015 eGolf two years ago, the sales person said that basic remote access is included but that the extra features like perimeter setting and phone assistence from the button in the car would be requiring the carnet package. I think I prepaid it for two years but this month it...
  3. S

    CA sales numbers ?

    I see a ton of tesla model S, Nissan Leaf, and also some other brands a bit less frequent on the streets of San Francisco and the East Bay area, but I am yet to see another eGolf. How come? I think it's such an awesome car, for the price all performance, looks and convenience wise. Maybe the...
  4. S

    Theft prevention / ‘on-board diagnostic port' lock ?

    Apparantly thieves in the UK steal cars by connecting a device to the on board diagnostic port and making it program a blank electronic key with the code to basically create an extra key they can drive off with. Is this a problem for the e-golf as well? Are there locks for the on-board...