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Volkswagen e-Golf Forum

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  1. S

    new carnet web site...

    Is it possible they made this site worse?! Here is my list of problems I found during about the first 2 minutes of use: 1) need to reset password upon first log in, and no special characters are allowed (and to add to the stupidity of that requirement, the message that comes up when you try to...
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    Wrong way driver warnings

    I've had my car about 5 months now, and I've seen a pop up message (on both console as well as center display) maybe 5 times now about a wrong way driver on some road (usually in CA, almost never local to me). Does anyone know where the car pulls this info from? Will it show other useful...
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    always 72!

    Every time I "start" my car it seems to default to a climate control temp of 72. For a while I blamed this on a whole bunch of reasons like forgetting what I last set it to, or maybe my wife changed it last time she drove, etc. But I am now carefully watching and in fact every time I get in the...
  4. S

    car "started" but not "ready"

    For the second day in a row, this morning I put my foot on the brake, pushed the "start" button, then put the car into reverse and put foot on the gas, and nothing happened. I looked down and saw the car was "on" (ie, radio playing, backup camera on, etc), but the ready light was not on. I had...
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    CA - Green Driver State Incentives

    After reading a post in another thread about free parking for electric vehicles, so did a quick search for other areas and found this: (Note: this is not a state web site) I suspect most of us in CA know about the HOV lane...
  6. S

    Trip odometer?

    Based on my intuition (and checking the manual), the 0.0 button in the center of dash is to control the trip odometer. However, when I push it once nothing happens at all. The only thing I can seem to get that button to do is bring up the clock set function (totally useless since the car gets...
  7. S

    CA - plate/sticker delivery time?

    For those who already have their CA plates and HOV stickers, can you post the time it took for each to arrive? I am currently waiting for my plates to arrive so I can apply for my sticker... and just curious how long the wait for each is currently!
  8. S

    Garage door opener?

    One thing that I realized after taking my car home is that there is no set of "homelink" buttons (i.e., programmable garage door buttons). This is not a huge deal (especially since I rarely park in my garage!), but I found it odd since I thought this was pretty much standard on most cars...
  9. S

    Change default brake recuperation level?

    I initially hated the high brake recuperation levels, but after driving a while I actually am starting to really like D2. Does anyone know how to change the default so that I am always in D2 when in D? I see nothing in the manual which makes me a bit worried that I will need to change the level...
  10. S

    220 Charger

    Picked up my e-golf a week ago. So far I have been charging via 110. Once I return to work I plan to charge mostly at a work charger. But, I'd like to know how much it would cost to install a 220 charger in my home. Has anyone done this yet? Is it actually any cheaper to go through VW?