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Volkswagen e-Golf Forum

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    VW registered 2020 e-Golf with CARB Published on CARB's website today, VW registered the 2020 e-Golf with the California Air Resources Board. For anyone hoping they would increase the battery size, they did not. The range is...
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    2020 e-Golf apparently announced

    Today VW released info about new tech in their 2020 US lineup. Here's what it says about the e-Golf: This is in contrast to previous VW execs who had said there would be no 2020 e-Golf.
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    Model Year 2018 announced for the US Note, this 2018 model comes AFTER the Model Year 2019s were announced for the rest of VW's lineup. The apparent changes are only for the SEL trim: a bigger touchscreen, a slight improvement to ParkPilot, and the digital cockpit is now...