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Volkswagen e-Golf Forum

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  1. C

    "Dramatic" reduction in cold weather range. Why?

    2017 eGolf, 70k Km I have driven my eGolf for 3 winters, this is winter #4. SAME everything, even same winter tires (getting worn, but still...). eGolf lives outside, under a car port, so the battery gets good and cold. The ONLY difference from the last winters is that I tend to drive off...
  2. C

    "Swoosh" sound on deceleration

    2017 eGolf; Semi-regularly, when letting go of the accelerator, there is a soft "swooosh" sound emanating from the front (motor compartment?). No driveability issues, no codes. More common when accelerator was depressed for a few seconds, then let go, as opposed to rapid movement. Some sort of...
  3. C

    Realistic winter electricity consumption

    2017/18 e-Golf Cooper winter tires Daily commute: 90 km round trip, rural highway at 90-95 km/h, then either city streets with typical stop-and-go or four lane highway at 100-120 km/h In "normal" mode and with driver side cabin heat on (because I hate driving with a winter jacket on and I like...
  4. C

    Charging display - or is there one?? 2017/18 e-Golf

    Apologies in advance if this is an obvious d'oh. The e-screens in the vehicle menu seem to contain "some" useful information for driving but I am wondering where one accesses charging information. Simple things such as...I am plugged into a Level 1 or 2 charger, what's the current voltage and...
  5. C

    2017/18 e-golf - WiFi question

    The topic giving me the most grief in my research is the issue of connectivity in the e-Golf. It is very difficult finding current, up-to-date info on this. Even the youtube videos are a couple of years old. I know you can tether via the smart phone. I am more interested in an independent SIM...