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Volkswagen e-Golf Forum

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  1. S

    Questions for a potential buyer

    IMHO it is worth it paying the $700 to get a L2 charger like the Siemens Versicharge into your garage and be able to refill in 3.5 hours, also because charging with 208V is significantly (30%?) more...
  2. S

    carnet cost and options

    When I bought the 2015 eGolf two years ago, the sales person said that basic remote access is included but that the extra features like perimeter setting and phone assistence from the button in the car would be requiring the carnet package. I think I prepaid it for two years but this month it...
  3. S

    2017 e-Golf may have 30% battery increase

    They would need to go to a skateboard design instead of cramming the battery and engine into the existing golf design replacing engine and exhaust system. There is an austrian company that claims they can replace the battery system of eGolf with a 55kW battery into the same form factor and...
  4. S

    Who reserved a Tesla Model 3?

    For United States region, the west coast first is just for the very initial cars that tend to have issues and need to come back to the factory a few times to get right, like we saw for the Model X between december and february, a lot of them were hand made and needed adjusting and replacing...
  5. S

    San Jose to Los Angeles

    Or rent a tesla from or and charge only once or twice, assuming you can get a rental with enough miles on it, the leases often are the limiting factor there.. The farthest I have taken my eGolf was Walnut Creek to Santa Cruz, one stop at NRG EVGO in San Jose and then...
  6. S

    Who reserved a Tesla Model 3?

    Note for americans the cost of the base model after incentives but before taxes may be $25,000 (CA) or even less in colorado, not bad for a 230 mile range car that can be optioned up into longer range and faster acceleration and whatever else they have up their sleeve and are not telling us yet.
  7. S

    Who reserved a Tesla Model 3?

    I reserved one online after the reveal event, and am waiting to take delivery of an X in about a month. Will sell the Honda Oddysee if X turns out to be as great as I think despite less seats (6 instead of 8) and less storage room, and will replace the 2015 eGolf with the 3 in 2018 if it then...
  8. S

    Bigger rims and tires? Calibrate new size/circumference?

    I have the 2015 e-Golf and I don't like my continental pro contact tires on them, they just have real bad grip on metal bridges, even on dry road sometimes a wheel slips cornering, don't even want to imagine being on snow with those tires, but lack of range keeps me out of that situation anyways...
  9. S

    Replacement battery

    I own it, and put 11500 miles on it since january. I was concerned about lease mile limits and figured its a nice near range car to keep around even when replaced with a nicer long range BEV in 3 years... Seeing the price drops for the 2015 SEL lately though I am not sure if that was wise :)...
  10. S

    Replacement battery

    Actually I drive it sporty and it works great for that, just have to be easy on the pedal from full stop to avoid spinning tires because they are not great. Leaves the ICE cars behind every time. Cornering is pretty decent too. I actually like that it is a lighter car than a tesla (the grapes...
  11. S

    Heat doesn't seem to work!

    Thats what I thought when I got mine done last week, however... So when my wife turned on the heater this morning it dropped by 50%. The 90 mile range was now a 45 mile range, and if she turned it off it would switch back to 90. I don't actually believe it can impact range that bad, can it...
  12. S

    Buyers of e-Golf. Did you pay MSRP full price?

    Nice work. Did this with tesla options a few times :) Your chance is still that the electricity comes to a certain degree from renewable energy, so you may not be that polluting compared to a gas car either way. Best way to make sure however is to put a few solar panels on your garage or house...
  13. S

    Tesla comparisons

    How on earth did you get the SEL so cheap? MSRP is 36k before taxes and fees, I paid 38k after taxes and fees january 2015 so after tax credits it will have cost me 28k. If what you say is true it would have dropped 10k in value already? KBB doesn't think so... Shocked...
  14. S

    The start of the death of VW USA?

    Lol, no he is legit, I know him, he's Jane Does brother :) Just kidding, but Musk got it right just in time:
  15. S

    September e-golf sales 343, down from 381...pathetic

    Yes, thats pretty disappointing, since the eGolf is so much more practical than the i3 from a space / seat configuration standpoint. With the right PR effort they would have sold more. I just found out because I walked into a dealership to fix an issue on my gas car and then after a test drive...
  16. S

    DC Fast Chargers you can use with the e-Golf

    Honestly I'd rather then buy the tesla now and drive that instead of the eGolf. No offense, I love my egolf for the price it is at, but if thats your plan go for the 270 mile tesla today and drive it 7 years for a lot better experience along the whole timeline including automated cruise control...
  17. S

    DC Fast Chargers you can use with the e-Golf

    I just charged at the BMW mountain view DC fast charger that ChargePoint has listed as their ONLY SAE DC fast charger up here in northern california, and it does only output 10kW instead of the advertised 24kW which already is a far cry from the 50kW the ABB chargers from NRG EVGO could output...
  18. S

    DC Fast Chargers you can use with the e-Golf

    this one was a duplicate. removed.
  19. S

    Has anybody else decided not to get an L2 charger for home?

    I initially did buy the e-Golf as the secondary car, and we had no L2 charger in the garage, just using L1 trickle charger plus got free charging at L2 charge point charger at the Gym and some cheap ones around town, and so it did not feel necessary. But very soon we used the e-Golf as the...
  20. S

    Steps to charge E golf on Chargepoint (having trouble)

    That is how it works for me. Make sure you plug it all the way in so that you hear the click of the lock, I had it before that my kids seemed to plug it in but not forceful enough and so it didn't start charging. If it still does not work go to the dealer, they typically have a charge point L2...