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Volkswagen e-Golf Forum

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  1. D

    Does your eGolf fail to charge sometimes?

    Hi Bitcruncher - May I ask - is this only with the 120v Level 1 charger that came with your eGolf? Or does it also happen with Level 2 chargers? If only with the 120v charger, then yes I have seen similar: If this is with the 120v...
  2. D

    eGolf no longer charges

    OK, I did find something weird, but I claim the mystery is solved. The extremely good news is that the car itself still appears to be blameless here - we were worried that our cars may not be trustworthy in this respect, but it appears that the car itself is fine so that's very comforting...
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    eGolf no longer charges

    Thanks for the suggestion. I did check this morning - there were no active charging profiles, and the charging current was already set to "maximum". My wife suggested that before I try to go to the dealer this morning, just try one more time by plugging the charger into a different circuit...
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    eGolf no longer charges

    Hello - Apologies if this has been discussed in another thread - but I hadn't seen one yet. Starting today, my car no longer charges using the supplied 120v Level 1 charger (yes, I know that technically it's called an "EVSE" ;) ). When I plug it in, the LED in the car's charge port...
  5. D

    Air conditioning not working

    Same here - the A/C in my wife's month-old eGolf stopped working yesterday. The symptoms were that the climate control panel behaved as if it was operating correctly - the yellow A/C LED was illuminated, and the climate control fan blew just fine - it's just that it blew ambient (not cold) air...
  6. D

    Monster mats ?

    Hello - Sorry, this doesn't answer the question you asked, but it won't stop me from commenting anyway. :) We got the eGolf-specific rubber mats for both of our cars - the dealer said they were different than other Mk7 mats because they are lighter weight in an attempt to squeeze out every last...
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    Buying EGolf out of state. Still elligible for rebates?

    As Massachusetts residents, we had researched leasing an eGolf from a Rhode Island dealer, and were assured that our purchase would still be eligible for the Massachusetts $2500 EV rebate offered on the eGolf. However this isn't quite the same as your situation, since the eGolf is already sold...
  8. D

    Greetings from a new owner

    Hi all - Between Aug 12 and Aug 17, our family went from zero eGolfs to two. We had been eyeballing getting a pure electric as a town run-about for a couple of years; when the eGolf came out we were intrigued, especially because my wife and I both really prefer VW/Audi products. One of the...
  9. D

    Only 293 US egolfs sold in June

    ... and two of the August ones were for my wife and I!
  10. D

    Cruise Control

    Hello - I believe that the "set" and "resume" buttons will do what you want. Briefly pressing "set" will reduce set speed by 1 mph, while "resume" will increase speed by 1 mph. Hopefully that will work for you and you can remove one item from your "issues" list. :)