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Volkswagen e-Golf Forum

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  1. D

    How can I buy being a resident of Texas?

    The VW eGolf manual does indeed have warnings about a few conditions which can reduce battery life: (all the above are from Page 250 in my copy of the 2015 eGolf manual.) All the above warnings relating to reducing battery capacity are on the charging and storage side - I haven't seen...
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    How can I buy being a resident of Texas?

    Interesting - I didn't realize that some Boston area dealers would be willing to ship cars as far away as Texas. Have you tried Minuteman VW in Bedford, MA? It looks like they still have five 2015 SELs on the lot (3 blue, one silver, and one white). When we leased ours there in August, the...
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    Tire pressure?

    My vote - I've been doing 46psi in the eGolf, which is 5 psi over the door jamb recommendations (41), and is still 5psi below the sidewall max (51psi). I'm still running the stock Continentals. On all of my cars I've always tended toward going over door jamb recommendations because I like a bit...
  4. D

    EPC light?

    Agreed, and it still happens to me occasionally too... just to be clear, the important part is that you have to have your foot already on the brake before you push *start*; having your foot on the brake before shifting out of Park isn't good enough.
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    Juice Box Pro 40

    Darn, that sounds like a pain... is the red tape related to the city/town regulations, or is it the homeowner's association? Or both?
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    Greetings from a new owner

    Yeah, my wife and I are both lifers in the VW/Audi family. Actually we met because at the time we both drove Mk3s :) I did finally put my S4 up for sale... I'm getting some good responses on it so that means it will probably be gone soon, which will be a bittersweet moment I'm sure. I'm never...
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    Problems with AC charging

    You mentioned that the "Charging" light on the EVSE stays lit - do I assume correctly that even that LED will go out about a minute after the car's charge port LED turns yellow? If so, that sounds like exactly the same problem I was having with the Delphi EVSE...
  8. D

    Anybody buy an e-Golf outside of State where it's sold?

    Excellent, sounds like a great use case for an eGolf. :D For others of you who might become concerned regarding recent posts about operating your eGolf in damp conditions, I would like to offer some relevant passages from the manual: There's more in the manual of course. I'm sure that most...
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    Anybody buy an e-Golf outside of State where it's sold?

    I would believe that RonDawg is correct in that excess heat can permanently degrade battery performance. An earlier post implied that Florida's warmer weather might therefore pose a problem, but I would claim that Florida's weather shouldn't necessarily influence your decision on that basis. I...
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    New eGolf Owner: Loving it so far! Quick questions

    Hi TDINutz - Sorry, I don't mean to be difficult :) I do agree with nearly all of what you've said above, but I would like to offer a perspective from a snowier clime. Please note that we've only had our eGolfs for a couple of months so we haven't had them in sub-freezing weather yet; the...
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    Delphi 120 volt 12 amp portable charger showing 'power fault

    I believe that your garage outlet doesn't have the earth ground properly connected. That's the third wire connected to the outlet (other than the black "hot" and white "neutral" wires). It's usually uninsulated (bare copper) or has green insulation. The Delphi EVSE requires a ground to be...
  12. D

    eGolf vs. LEAF

    Thanks for the reply - I'm glad to see a more extensive comparison from someone who has ownership experience with both cars.
  13. D

    Sleep in e-Golf with A/C on overnight idle and even charging

    Here in New England I'd hazard a guess that EVs are not nearly as popular as they are in California. However there are still a moderate number of charging stations that are often under-subscribed, especially those out in the suburbs. Case in point: there's a supermarket nearby that has 8 GE...
  14. D

    What does 115 hp in EV feel like compared to 2015 1.8L Golf?

    I've never driven a 1.8T Golf - but I would say that acceleration off the line for the eGolf is very impressive and should compare very favorably to almost any non-electric vehicle. I'd say initial launch subjectively seems at least as energetic as my S4, at least on dry pavement, and assuming...
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    eGolf vs. LEAF

    I've never driven a LEAF, but a co-worker of mine who's a car nut has... he's also now driven my eGolf and came away *extremely* impressed. His reaction: the eGolf seemed to have much better performance of the LEAF he'd driven. Furthermore, I had to talk him into hammering it around some...
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    Compatible brands of Level 2 240V home chargers for e-Golf

    If I recall, you were concerned about the voltage drop between the meters and your power panel - sounds like with the 2-gauge you should be in good shape :) One reason we chose the EVSE we did is that it had a 25-foot cord. We wanted to make sure we could charge either of our cars when they...
  17. D

    Compatible brands of Level 2 240V home chargers for e-Golf

    Thanks for the list... let me add Clipper Creek - we chose them over Juice Box since they appear to have first-rate customer service. We only needed basic features (no need for delayed charging or charge monitoring) so we're very pleased with the HCS-40 so far. In fact, my wife and I joke...
  18. D

    Continental Tires seem to drift

    Hmm, I noticed this in mine, and my wife independently mentioned it to me about hers - you have to really pay attention when driving at highway speeds to make sure you stay in your lane. This is with the stock Contis. It's a marked difference from our other cars (allroad and S4) which are...
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    eGolf no longer charges

    I can confirm that the manual for the Clipper Creek HCS-40 (Level 2 EVSE) does not require it to be connected to a GFCI. The manual also states that the EVSE will detect ground faults, which will prevent it from charging and and will illuminate the "Power Fault" LED. The same is true of the L1...
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    eGolf no longer charges

    <digression...> Agreed, a non-center-tapped utility-pole transformer is extremely unlikely. However a more likely reason for a potential voltage imbalance would have been a high resistance in the neutral; if somewhere downstream of that (either in my house or in a neighbor's house) there would...