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Volkswagen e-Golf Forum

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  1. M

    2018 e-Golf stops charging after 3.12kwh

    Check your settings in the JuiceBox. They have a feature that will stop charging after a certain amount of energy is delivered.
  2. M

    How long does the 12V stay on when parked?

    That much power might work, but it's not advisable and the running time would be relatively short from the e-Golf's relatively small traction battery. It's much more reasonable to keep a natural gas forced air furnace, refrigerator, etc. running than a mini-split in heating mode.
  3. M

    SIM card reader

    If you have a US model e-Golf there is no function that uses a SIM card. Even if you connect the WiFi, I don't think there is any function that will use that either. In Europe you can update the maps with a WiFi download. However, in USA, the dealers typically sell the map updates, so they don't...
  4. M

    Home charger failure???

    It's code for "we don't want to get sued for unintended acceleration, so every time a car comes through here, we make sure the driver's floor mat is properly secured so that it can't interfere with the pedals". Toyota dealers also religiously check this because Toyota has been sued over this.
  5. M

    my home charger and random chargers don't work...

    It is possible that your on-board charger is starting to fail but is not completely dead. Check the charge port for any contamination or foreign matter. Do the same for the connector on your home charger. If you cannot reliably charge it, take it to the dealer for troubleshooting. They should be...
  6. M

    2018 e-Golf Battery Fail at 600 Miles

    This is the State's Lemon Law brochure. Familiarize yourself with it. No automobile production is perfect. You just got unlucky.
  7. M

    Found my battery's aging %, seems low -- or is it?

    Interesting. Can you tell us about this vehicle? How old? How many kms?
  8. M

    Dead Key fob - how to enter car ?

    This video goes over how to access and start the car when the fob battery is dead. The video is generic for all VW models with keyless entry and the e-Golf is the same.
  9. M

    Tried an Electrify America charger

    There is no point to using a 150kW charger on an e-Golf. The car decides how much current the charger should deliver, and the maximum an e-Golf will request is less than or equal to what a 125 amp 50kW charger can deliver. Some "50kW" chargers can only deliver 100 amps, so those will be a...
  10. M

    2018 e-Golf Battery Fail at 600 Miles

    Just keep notes about what happened and when. They should give you a free loaner car for the duration of the repair. If you don't take the loaner, you can ask for other compensation for the time the vehicle was out of service, like covering lease payments. Calling VW Customer Service and opening...
  11. M

    Charging curve on 2016 vs. 2019

    ^ This. Agree 100%
  12. M

    Wiper blade replacement

    When I changed the wipers on our 2015, I used the Bosch Clear Advantage. They appeared to be the same as the OEM. 26-CA 18-CA...
  13. M

    End of lease: next steps

    You can still get the full tax credit on a Bolt through 3/31/2019.
  14. M

    Minimum Charge malfunction in 2017 eGolf

    Why would it stop charging if you don't have any timers set? Normal behavior illustrated in this example: Starting SOC = 20%, Minimum Charge Level = 50%, Maximum Charge Level = 100%, Departure Time = 7am. At 8pm, plug in the car. The car charges to 50% then stops charging. Car calculates time...
  15. M

    Article about e-Golf ownership in

    LOL. Expecting dealer personnel to be helpful with this is way beyond my expectations. Try this video. The Max Charge Level is part of the Charging Location Profile. In order to use it, you have to set up a Departure Time event. If you...
  16. M

    225/40 18 EV LRR tire options

    The picture in the story linked below makes it look like a Bridgestone Potenza S001 or S007. They are Max Performance Summer and Extreme Performance Summer tires respectively.
  17. M

    225/40 18 EV LRR tire options

    It's hard to know the actual LRR performance of any tire in the USA because there is not a proportional rating system. In Europe there is a better system to rate rolling resistance performance. Given that, at Tire Rack, they have a "Eco Focus" binary filter. These are the tires I would consider...
  18. M

    Speculation about 2019 e-Golf

    The thing truly holding up the price of the White sticker cars is exports. They are popular in Jordan and Eastern Europe, even though the CCS connector is wrong.
  19. M

    Speculation about 2019 e-Golf

    You know the stickers issued in January will be Violet and they will expire one year later than the Red ones, don't you?
  20. M

    12v battery being drained by charging station

    It should be impossible to drain the 12V while charging. The DC-DC converter should be powering the car and charging the 12V battery. Something is definitely wrong with your car.