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  1. S

    Buying an e-Golf a non pezv state (Virginia)

    This is a response that I recieved from a dealership in Rhode Island.... Stephen, We are the largest eGolf dealer outside of the three states on the west coast. We receive inquires from all over the US for the eGolf and I assure you, we can not sell a brand new eGolf to someone that is not...
  2. S

    Buying an e-Golf a non pezv state (Virginia)

    I have emailed a dealer in Rhode Island and was told they can not sell me an eGolf because I live in a non-pezv state, is the factual information?
  3. S

    Infotainment Mapping

    Thank you for the responses.
  4. S

    Infotainment Mapping

    Hi folks, I am interested in purchasing an eGolf and was wondering about a couple of things. As far as the infotainment system while in navigation does it show nearby charging stations, or does it draw a grey circle on the map for areas you can reach before running out of power? Thank you