Recent content by wkuballa

Volkswagen e-Golf Forum

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  1. W

    E-golf range

    My e-Golf SEL 2019 has 44,000 miles. On a full charge it shows 120-130 miles. That's pretty much what it shows when the car was new. I never used DC fast charging and I never let the car sit 100% charged for more than a couple of hours. I drove 105 miles recently and had still 29 miles...
  2. W

    What is your total mileage so far ?

    2019 e-Golf SEL at 45,000 miles. I am still getting about 125 miles on a full charge. I never used DC fast charge, and I do not let the car sit fully charged for a longer period of time.
  3. W

    rear breaks worn out?

    A couple of months ago I took my 2019 e-Golf SE to a VW dealer for its 40k miles service. I was in a rush when I dropped off the car and accepted the repairs they suggested. They said the rear breaks are worn out and need to be replaced. Obviously, I was not thinking clearly. In hindsight, I...
  4. W

    Error: Electrical System. Stop!

    I experienced the car stalling while driving only once. That happened in 2017 when I was driving a 2016 eGolf (now I have a 2019 eGolf). I took the car to Boardwalk VW in Redwood City and it took them almost two weeks to fix it. They replaced the entire high-voltage wiring. The repair was...
  5. W

    12v Battery monitoring

    I'm using this device: Battery Monitor BM2 BM3 Bluetooth 4.0 Wireless Battery Tester 12V Automotive Battery Load Tester,Automotive Charging and Cranking System Monitor Digital Battery Analyzer for Android & IOS It is permanently connected to the battery and monitors the voltage (using only...
  6. W

    12V Battery Dead

    Last Saturday I experienced a completely dead 12V battery in my eGolf SEL 2019. The voltage was down to some 2V! I used a regular 12V charger to re-charge the battery (while it was plugged in, I didn't bother taking it out of the car). Next day the car worked like normal. No error...
  7. W

    Charging problem

    I have the same configuration (2019 eGolf SEL, JuiceBox). I programmed the JuiceBox to charge between 23:00 and 07:00 (on weekdays). When I plug in the car outside the charging window, both orange LEDs come on, but no charging takes place. The LEDs turn off after a while. When the charging...
  8. W

    Help with Google Maps

    I should also mention one feature of "Android Auto" which I am using quiet often. I say: "Hey Google, read my text messages" It would then read all my new and unread messages. After reading a message, it would ask if I want to reply. I say: "Yes" It would then ask for the text. I say: "I...
  9. W

    Help with Google Maps

    I am using Google Maps only - I have never used the built-in maps. I used Google Maps with my first eGolf (2016 SEL) and now also with my 2nd (2019 SEL Premium). I connect my Android phone with a USB cable - Bluetooth does not work for this. You need to have Android Auto installed on your...
  10. W

    help estimate my capacity

    This is what the instruments tell you: you drove 58 mi using 4.8 mi/kwh - this means you used 12.1 kwh of energy (58 mi / 4.8 mi/kwh = 12.1kwh) each of the sub-marks in the battery gauge is 1/16 of the full battery charge - you used 11/16 of the battery for the trip (assuming the battery was...
  11. W

    CarNet issues

    I always thought the old app was one of the worst apps there is. It was very slow, the user interface was anything bu intuitive. And why do I have to provide a pin after I signed on? I did not think it is possible to make the app worse.... but VW did it.
  12. W

    Chargepoint plug too big

    The charging stations at my office used to have the plug as shown above in the second picture. These plugs did not fit until I removed the green rubber band that you can see in the picture. Once removed, the plug fits just fine. They have replaced these plugs since.....
  13. W

    Getting 10K service on my '19 SE

    Just yesterday I picked up my 2019 SEL from the 10k service. Total cost: $66.20
  14. W

    2019 issues

    I have the 2019 eGolf SEL since January this year and Android Auto works just fine. I usually connect my phone using a USB cable (USB-A to USB-C cable). Other than selecting "Android Auto" from the main menu, I don't have to do anything special to use all the Android Auto features (phone...
  15. W

    Android notifications over Bluetooth & Android Auto question

    I am not trying to make a point for Google Maps. After all, picking an app is always a personal choice. However, I think a couple of background infos may be interesting: * Google bought Waze in 2013. Ever since, features from Google Maps made its way into Waze and vice versa. I can imagine...