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Volkswagen e-Golf Forum

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  1. S

    Golf 2016 lease is up. Buy, don't buy, or upgrade to 2019?

    Based on what you said, I vote for getting a 2019 car. I switched form the 2016 e-golf to the 2019 Leaf S and I'm really much more happy about the increased range and seeing 150-180 miles on the meter. I use to worry about going out to lunch, and coming home with a low battery warning every...
  2. S

    24 Month Lease NOT eligible for $2500 CVRP Rebate

    Yes, the rules are pretty specific that the original lease term needs to be over 24 months. That said, there are a few things you could try. Talk to the dealer, maybe you can convert it to a 36 month lease. That would be the first thing I would try; second, VW offers a 6 month lease...
  3. S

    Thoughts on 2019 Tesla Model 3 and effect on e-Golf pricing

    With the $7500 tax credit, upgrading every year for “free” becomes a legitimate strategy financially, and puts more ev’s on the road.
  4. S

    Thoughts on 2019 Tesla Model 3 and effect on e-Golf pricing

    E-Golf prices are dropping like a rock. Capistrano VW has them for 26.8 on the website. Just wait if you can, they are going for 23k new on the East coast.
  5. S

    End of lease: next steps

    Well, I returned my 2016 e-Golf SE yesterday. Bittersweet, as it was a great little car. Returning the lease was non-eventful. I had it inspected a couple of weeks ago, went into the dealer and handed the guy 2 key fob's, and he typed up a paper. He didn't even look at the car. I wound up...
  6. S

    Ready to Buy used 2015/2016 e-Golf as first EV. Questions!

    I've been commuting 60 miles round trip in my 2016 SE for the last 3 years. Most of it is freeway driving in San Diego, and fairly flat. The range is fine in the e-Golf SE. The only times I get low is if I go run a few errands before or after, but then you can manage that. Also cold affects...
  7. S

    2019 SE Upgrade for $2500

    That's a pretty good deal to upgrade to a 2019. I'm also getting quotes to replace my 2016 SE lease in so cal. I've got a few e-golf se quotes and 5k off msrp seems doable. Leaf's aren't being discounted much at all around here. I also got a few Bolt LT quotes (no options), and they are...
  8. S

    Missing inventory

    I just checked Sunnyvale VW and they have 40 2019 e-Golfs! I hope we get some down here in San Diego.
  9. S

    End of lease: next steps

    Please make some room, as I'm in this boat too. :D 2016 e-Golf lease is up in February. My residual is 12.2k. It's been a great car and I'm considering keeping it. It's had it's quirks, but everything has been on autopilot for years, I don't even think about it. It's just been a great...
  10. S

    Worried about commute before I lease - advice please?

    Not a problem at all. I commute 60 miles daily in San Diego and have never had an issue for over a year. My commute is mostly flat and freeway driving. I have experimented and have found an effective range of 80-100 miles per charge depending if you drive 55 or 75 mph.
  11. S

    Scheduled charging problem with 2016 e-Golf SE

    These settings work for me. I drive about 60 miles per day, plug in when I come home for work, and it's ready in the morning. It wakes up and charges at 12:00 am to about 4:00 or 5:00am. Battery: On Max Charging Current: Max Minimum Battery 0% Maximum Battery 100% Timer 1 On All days 8 am...
  12. S

    Scheduled charging problem with 2016 e-Golf SE

    Mine is the stock charger not DC Fast charge. What I said as blink blink blink is exactly what you describe. Once the clock light is lit on the charging port, you plug the charger in. You hear the HCS40 clunk as it starts sending power. It blinks for a while as it calculates the charge time...
  13. S

    Scheduled charging problem with 2016 e-Golf SE

    I have the same car and charger and haven't had any problems. I charge nightly at midnight and have done so for about a year and 10,000 miles. Did you set the schedule on the Infotainment system versus car net? I would set it on the car itself. Also, most times I have to either put my...
  14. S

    Which EV Charger did you get?

    +1 hcs40p. Works great.
  15. S

    Differences between 2016 eGolf SE and SEL

    Charger is twice as fast on SEL