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Volkswagen e-Golf Forum

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  1. S

    Best tires for my e-Golf?

    I also bought these after much research and am very happy with them. I’ve never spent that much on tires before but I decided to splurge a little (I’m frugal). I particularly iike the look of the tread pattern, which I realize should be a minor part of the selection criteria.
  2. S

    e-manager settings lost

    My e-manager settings on my 2019 have disappeared (reset) several times lately, requiring me to set them up again each time. Is this a known issue and is there a fix? Specifically, I have three settings on the main e-manager window programmed that I switch between depending on my needs. By...
  3. S

    Grabby brakes

    I don’t recall how fast. Not sure how many 0.1 g’s, or how to determine that. Low though. Less than full B mode deceleration.
  4. S

    Grabby brakes

    Possibly relevant observation: I had the rear seats folded forward once and noticed a very different sound from the rear brakes when braking lightly in D mode vs. slowing at the same rate in B regen mode. Regen mode was quieter and D mode sounded like the rear brakes were applied slightly...
  5. S

    Most efficient LRR tire to replace Ecopia 422

    60k miles is amazing. I got less than 30k out of my stock Ecopias and I drive conservatively. I replaced them with Crossclimate2. They grip better, the tread pattern looks great (mostly irrelevant, I know) and efficiency dropped less than 5%.
  6. S

    Dash rattle

    I have a rattle in my dash (2019 SE) that I suspect is coming from the infotainment unit. The unit was replaced in 2019 due to a Bluetooth failure and I wonder if they didn’t tighten the mounting screws correctly. Has anyone taken theirs out or know of a good video showing how to do it?
  7. S

    Rear tire wear

    Thanks @f1geek and @Jeff4. I always keep my tires inflated correctly, and from what I can glean online it isn't common (possible?) to adjust the camber alignment on rear wheels of the e-golf. Some others have reported the same issue in other forums, but it doesn't seem like a widespread issue. I...
  8. S

    Rear tire wear

    The inside part of the tread of each of my rear tires on my 2019 has worn significantly faster than the rest of the tires (stock Ecopias, about 20k total, 15k on rear). I haven’t been diligent about tire rotation, but this still seems abnormal. Is it a known issue? Any recommendations (in...
  9. S

    suspension rattle from rear - what is it?

    I had the same problem with my 2019. The dealer said it was a known problem and they adjusted and/or lubed it. It didn’t fix the problem but before I got around to scheduling another service appointment the noise went away.
  10. S

    "Bluetooth could not be switched on"

    Update: I took the car to the dealer and they had to replace the “5F” module that has the Bluetooth transceiver. Fortunately it was under warranty.
  11. S

    "Bluetooth could not be switched on"

    Phones used to connect to my 2019 e-Golf, but now they won't. Pressing phone on screen results in this message "Telephone is not available". The set-up menu gives the message "Bluetooth could not be switched on". phones don't work when connected via lightning cable either. I also see the...
  12. S

    Console storage compartment door stuck closed

    The storage compartment door in my 2017 SE won't open. I only had an iPhone cable in there so I assume that got wedged in somewhere. Can someone tell me where the latch is so I can poke around in there with something thin to see if I can release it? Thanks. Update: I managed to get it open...
  13. S

    Federal tax credit - Is it dollar for dollar?

    related question: If I buy two EV's in one year can I get two 7500 federal tax credits in the same year?