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  1. Rambo

    eGolf scraping sound when driving in neutral/coasting or regen braking

    I cant pinpoint it exactly, I'll definitely first take it to the VW shop to see what they say. Might be wheel bearing as well as motor ones. I'll keep you updated.
  2. Rambo

    eGolf scraping sound when driving in neutral/coasting or regen braking

    Motor, yeah. :) Anyways, I took all 4 wheels off, checked if brake rotor shield is maybe scraping - sadly it isnt and nothing is stuck🫣 All 4 rotors are brand new, so the verdict will probably be motor bearings. There is a kit to fix that, around 2k + work. I was hoping it wont come to that.
  3. Rambo

    eGolf scraping sound when driving in neutral/coasting or regen braking

    Hello, 2018 eGolf with 90k miles here. I have 2 separate issues which might be connected: 1) there is a scraping sound from wheels when regenerative braking is engaged, that is probably due to engine bearings (there are kits to fix that), but... 2) this started recently, similar but less...