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Volkswagen e-Golf Forum

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  1. M

    2019 eGolf Prices Paid

    Another confirmation. I did the same thing a few weeks ago on a new SportWagen (I've been shopping for another e-golf but the Volvo wagon that was my long drive car when I had the e-golf finally pushed me over the edge). The dealer had never heard of it but accepted it after making a few calls.
  2. M

    golf inventory

    Thanks for the info. That's $800 under their best advertised price.
  3. M

    My Review of the deAutoLED H7RC HID Kit in a 2019 e-Golf SE

    Thanks for this! I've been keeping my eye on SE pricing. The only thing I'd really miss from my '15 SEL is the LED headlights. I actually kept one with a few minor scratches that I thought I might use to convert (assuming it's plug-n-play) but the HID kit looks like a solid alternative.
  4. M

    lease return but with body damage?

    It depends. My wife scraped another car in a parking lot several years ago. The fix for the other car was close to $2k (I had liability-only on the car she was driving) and our insurance was unaffected. YMMV, as they say. We insure a number of cars and have a 20 year history of not running...
  5. M

    lease return but with body damage?

    I'm going through this right now and I agree with everyone else that you should have it repaired. I was days away from buying out my own e-golf lease when my wife hit a red-light-runner. A friend of mine suggested I just show up with the car and say 'here you go and here's the other driver's...
  6. M

    verdict: best practice charging % max for battery longevity

    Awesome. Thanks! I've been wondering this for ages. So "90%" charging is comfortably in the mid-to-upper 80% range. Maybe not where you want it 24/7 but probably just right for timed charging.
  7. M

    verdict: best practice charging % max for battery longevity

    Is there any evidence that the e-golf battery does not charge cells to 4.2v at 100%? I haven't seen it and I've been reading this form as long as you have. I can't find a link now but Tesla owners have actually measured 4.2V at 100% in the S/X.
  8. M

    verdict: best practice charging % max for battery longevity

    You repeat that as fact but I've never seen actual data to support it. Do you have a source?
  9. M

    verdict: best practice charging % max for battery longevity

    I went with delayed charging to 90%, assuming hitting the immediate charge button would cause it to charge to 100%. Not so. It does start immediately, then stops at 90%, then it will continue if I start it again. I haven't charged to 100% in probably two years and thought there might be some...
  10. M

    Did you notice battery/range issues over time ?

    That's lame. I just checked - mine is only about $100/yr more to insure than my old and cheap Volvo V70R (the Volvo does see 50% more miles annually). The 360, at 1/4 the yearly mileage, is about $250 more. Come to think of it, the Volvo is nearing the "time to go liability-only" stage of...
  11. M

    Did you notice battery/range issues over time ?

    It's not really draining faster, there's just less capacity available though that seems pretty dramatic for 2 years old. To your question, I haven't observed a loss of range. It's surely happened but it's not dramatic enough to notice. My car is a year older than yours. I just extended my...
  12. M

    Car-Net expiring

    I'm dead too. Stuck with a 90% charge timer. I guess that will have to be OK.
  13. M

    Realistic winter electricity consumption

    Assuming CarNet works the same in Canada (also assuming you're in Canada :) ), pre-warming via the app while you're still plugged in helps that initial spike in consumption.
  14. M

    eGolf Stereo Upgrades

    Wow. Thanks for saving me from myself.
  15. M

    eGolf Stereo Upgrades

    Thanks so much for doing the legwork on this. I've decided to buy my '15 - hopefully I can find one with Android Auto. EDIT: It looks like I need to get the part number 6RF 035 187E to get Android Auto without doing my own firmware updates.