Recent content by markn80

Volkswagen e-Golf Forum

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  1. M

    Swapping halogen headlight assembly for OEM HID assembly

    Thank you for your help! Will definitely look into getting one of the two options.
  2. M

    Swapping halogen headlight assembly for OEM HID assembly

    I bought a 2019 e-Golf SE but am not liking the halogen light bulbs. I was thinking of buying the whole HID headlight assembly that comes with the SEL trim and swap mine out. Would the connectors match up with the HID assembly or would I run into some other problem?
  3. M

    Make duplicate key without receiver

    Thanks everyone. I might just find a waterproof case and put the fob in it and bring it along with me into the ocean.
  4. M

    Make duplicate key without receiver

    Just bought a 2019 e-golf. I have a couple of questions about the keys. When I go to the beach, I usually don’t leave anything on the beach. I would carry my car keys in my wetsuit or board shorts and go into the ocean with it. Is it possible to duplicate a plain ol’ key without the remote? I...
  5. M

    What essential accessories did you buy?

    Looking for a liner for the trunk that extends out when the back seats are down. Any suggestions?