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Volkswagen e-Golf Forum

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  1. L

    2019 e-golf won’t charge

    Thanks for the tip on the silicon spray lubricant. I haven’t had that issue before but good to know for the future. I usually only have one key nearby as well but nice to know that could be a factor in another error. In my case the charger isn’t being locked into place. Rather the car keeps...
  2. L

    2019 e-golf won’t charge

    Hi! They didn’t tell me anything. I don’t recall anything else being replaced at the time, or on the paperwork. So far I’ve only charged at home with my Level 1.
  3. L

    2019 e-golf won’t charge

    In January my 2019 e-golf would not charge. The indicator light was red and car made an electronic sound like it was trying to engage but could not find the charger. There was light clicking too. Since it’s under warranty, VW replaced the charging portal. And it worked fine for a few weeks...