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Volkswagen e-Golf Forum

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  1. F

    2015 SEL headlight and turn signal error

    No mods here besides the resistor-in-place-of-the-noisemaker trick that I outlined in this forum (or VWVortex). Bone stock. Reseating the headlamp assembly connector may or may not have done something, but the issue is intermittent now. I'm going to keep a close eye on it. Thanks!
  2. F

    2015 SEL headlight and turn signal error

    On my commute this morning, my 2015 SEL displayed an error about my right headlight. A few minutes after that, another error about my right turn signal appeared when I attempted to use it. I checked the large headlight connector when I parked and it seemed to be seated securely. I verified that...
  3. F

    Did you notice battery/range issues over time ?

    2015 SEL here, purchased April 2015. 69,4xx miles on the odometer and definitely seeing battery degradation. The Guess-o-meter has indicated as high as 117 for me in the first and second summer I had the car. The lowest I've seen this winter is 63 on a full charge (winter around -5C). I used...
  4. F

    Charge port and cable replaced recently

    My sampled size is absolutely disproportionately small, and I acknowledged it as much. Your statement about seeing more comments on here rings true though, so I'll chalk these two instances up as coincidence. I haven't read the owner's manual cover to cover- it states this? I almost exclusively...
  5. F

    Car-Net update on 6/2/17

    I agree with others, this update is a terrible step backwards in usability. I have to put in my email address and password every time I open the app. I was quite optimistic when I first opened the updated app and saw the option to use TouchID, but it hasn't worked for me yet. It's close enough...
  6. F

    Charge port and cable replaced recently

    My 2015 SEL E-Golf stopped charging in early June. There were no other symptoms. I tried L1 and L2 at home, then limped to the nearest L3 charging spot before calling for a tow to the dealer. The dealer had it for just over 5 weeks(!!!) to replace the charge port and cable. I have a friend who...
  7. F

    How to Disconnect the e-motor noise

    Haha- that was my post on too. Sorry I never linked to it here.
  8. F

    Trying an experiment

    I've had my e-Golf since March, and have over 13k miles on the odometer already. I'm ready to try something new. Recently, I put a small section of Post-It note over the Guess-O-Meter on the MFI so I have to rely on the fuel tank analogue gauge for the amount of charge left. I really wish there...
  9. F

    Features I'd like;

    Just chiming in with a 'me too' with the very small hope that someone who can do something about this at VW actually visits this forum to see how their customers are using and reacting to their cars. Wishlist: - user-selectable preference of the J1772 locking "feature"— always lock, always...
  10. F

    3 year free car-net for eGolf is a scam

    Just feel compelled to make a small correction here— the car-net app will allow you to unlock the car remotely, but will not allow for remote lock. This flat-out sucks because sometimes I walk away from the car and think, 'did I lock the car?' It would be nice if I could just use my phone to...
  11. F

    Extended Stats unexpectedly resets

    Has anyone else seen this? I have a little over 10k miles on the odometer now, and it's reset on me 3 times. Nothing special seems to happen around the resets that I can tell- no big battery drains, long trips, not sure what else may trigger this. Has anyone else seen similar behavior? f d r
  12. F

    Brake light behavior during regenerative braking

    I was told by the dealer that there is an accelerometer in the car that is used to detect G forces. When the e-Golf is in one of the regen modes, and the forward motion is slowed by 0.2g or more, the brake lights illuminate. Of course, I can't find anything to back that up online or anywhere...
  13. F

    Few questions/concerns before deciding on the e-Golf

    Greetings badoix. I've had my e-Golf for just about 8,000 miles now, and feel like I can contribute to most of your questions: 1) I can't comment on the delayed charging because I just don't use it. 2) I have only charged away from my house maybe 3 times, so the charge port lock is not a major...
  14. F

    How to Disconnect the e-motor noise

    I'm interested in finding a way to put the e-sound on a switch too, although I haven't done much about it yet besides find this image that someone else posted online a while back: I believe a resistor will be needed because someone noted that one of the displays showed an error to the effect...
  15. F

    Garage door opener?

    I'm just using the remote that came with my opener- the one that clips on the visor. It's not perfect, but it works well. I do have an app on my phone that can be used to open and close the garage door, but as svento said, there is a pretty good delay between the request to open the door, and...