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Volkswagen e-Golf Forum

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  1. C

    Charging problem

    I can't say my charging experience with my new Juicebox has been perfect. I had a problem where the unit didn't follow the schedule I set for it. Also the car doesn't always start charging when I plug it in, it takes some fiddling to get it to go. This sometimes happens with the 110v charger as...
  2. C

    Charging problem

    I have received a replacement Juicebox from the company that works well and looks great. I'll post a pic once I have it properly attached to my garage wall. Thanks for all the suggestions!
  3. C

    Charging problem

    I ordered the Juicebox from Costco online when they were offering $50 off. There are some scratches on the handle that I can't explain, I don't know if they were already there when I received the unit via UPS. When I took it out of the box I certainly thought it was brand new. The Smart...
  4. C

    Charging problem

    Here I plug in the charger that came with the car: Here's the Juicebox. Note the round peg comes out then goes back in. Most of the time the peg comes out and stays out, as it should, and you can hear that it definitely clicks into place. I have...
  5. C

    Charging problem

    I have a 2019 e-Golf SEL with ~1100 miles. Over the last couple months I've charged it with level 1, 2, and 3 chargers with no problems. I just had a NEMA 14-50 outlet professionally installed in my garage on a 50A circuit. I plugged in my brand new JuiceBox 40 and set it up using the app on my...