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Volkswagen e-Golf Forum

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  1. C

    A/C Expansion Valve and Cut Off Valve

    FWIW, my 2017 eGolf was just in the shop for the dreaded refrigerant shut-off valve issue. VCDS found 59079 and 59103, valves 1 and 4. In February, still under warranty, they replaced 2 of the 4. I asked them whether we should do all 4 or will I be back in a few months when they have failed...
  2. C

    "Dramatic" reduction in cold weather range. Why?

    2017 eGolf, 70k Km I have driven my eGolf for 3 winters, this is winter #4. SAME everything, even same winter tires (getting worn, but still...). eGolf lives outside, under a car port, so the battery gets good and cold. The ONLY difference from the last winters is that I tend to drive off...
  3. C

    "Swoosh" sound on deceleration

    2017 eGolf; Semi-regularly, when letting go of the accelerator, there is a soft "swooosh" sound emanating from the front (motor compartment?). No driveability issues, no codes. More common when accelerator was depressed for a few seconds, then let go, as opposed to rapid movement. Some sort of...
  4. C

    Realistic winter electricity consumption

    15km (9 miles) left after a 70 mile trip...getting close! Temperature was -15/-16 C (3 degrees F) for most of the day. 23.7 kWh/100 km (2.6 miles per kWh)
  5. C

    Realistic winter electricity consumption

    Unfortunately, VW is not interested in offering CarNet in Canada. I do pre-heat the car while plugged into Level II at home.
  6. C

    Realistic winter electricity consumption

    2017/18 e-Golf Cooper winter tires Daily commute: 90 km round trip, rural highway at 90-95 km/h, then either city streets with typical stop-and-go or four lane highway at 100-120 km/h In "normal" mode and with driver side cabin heat on (because I hate driving with a winter jacket on and I like...
  7. C

    Manual says motor may not start if temps fall to -27 celcius

    No issues in Ottawa last winter since February when I got the e-Golf. We had a few formidable cold nights.
  8. C

    Buying a 2018 eGolf with Ontario incentive by Sept 2018

    Pre-heating (or-cooling) on 240V is very nice. A charging station is not horribly expensive (about $800) and all you need is to run a dedicated line. Probably not more than a couple of hundred with an electician friend. With only a 10km commute you can easily top up at work. The "charging...
  9. C

    Buying a 2018 eGolf with Ontario incentive by Sept 2018

    To each his own. Fact is, if you don't buy by September, the business case for an EV will look a whole lot different in Ontario. You can get over that with a buck a beer, so everything will be fine. Nice to see they have the ir priorities straight. Yes, EV technology keeps evolving. Like...
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    I am in Ottawa as well and picked up my e-Golf in February, so I got a few weeks of truly cold winter weather experience. - the range is shorter (normal) to the tune of about 160-180 km on the Guess-O-meter - no issues with starting, driving, heating or any other systems - the charging process...
  11. C

    What’s a “good” miles/kWh?

    About 5000 miles/8000 km on my 2018 e-Golf. I am rarely challenging the range these days so I have little incentive to skimp on crew comfort or go extra slow. I am doing 100-120 km/h (62-75 mph)on the four lane highway, about 95 km/h (60 mph) on the rural highway. I also drive in the city...
  12. C

    Trailer wiring

    Thanks kataleen for posting the pics! It may well be as you say - a statement to avoid liability. So, quite clearly, a trailer hitch can be installed. Good to know. Is that the 114121 Class 1 Trailer Hitch? Which harness did you use?
  13. C

    Trailer wiring

    My 2018 owner's manual is very specific. It says IF YOU INSTALL A TRAILER HITCH YOU WILL CAUSE EXPENSIVE DAMAGE TO THE VEHICLE which will not be covered by warranty. I have not investigated, but my sense is that the location of the rear portion of the battery pack interferes with the usual...
  14. C

    Is there a way to see battery percentage or charge rates?

    I checked today during Level II charging. It is similar to what is shown during Level III charging. Te green and blue lines definitely show Amperes and Voltage; the green line gets shorter as charging nears completion. I do not know if it is possible to attribute actual numeric values to them.
  15. C

    Charging display - or is there one?? 2017/18 e-Golf

    I learned something new.....during charging, the digital display that normally shows green recuperation and blue motor power displays battery voltage (blue) and charging amps (green) instead. Source is a video: At the end of the charging process...