Recent content by bobby17

Volkswagen e-Golf Forum

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  1. B

    New to eGolf and this forum, just purchased used ‘15 SEL

    The drive was totally doable. Would a friend/partner have done it with me? Maybe not, plus the extra weight would have been a burden. Honestly to stay conservative i made sure come hell or high water i could charge as needed every 60 miles but often i went further, a couple of times down to 4-6...
  2. B

    New to eGolf and this forum, just purchased used ‘15 SEL

    Hi people. Checking in after my drive back from LA to Seattle in my first EV. I had a great time driving the car back and am now seeing what it is like to drive around my city. The adventure coming back was tremendously educational, tedious at times making stops to charge, and in the end a...
  3. B

    HOV expiration Southern California

    I just flew down from SEA and bought a used 2015 with white stickers that the owner said were expired. Boy that was cool being able to use the hov lane with only one driver. I can see why the owner wanted to get a new electric car to be able to get new stickers. If it gives you hours of your...